Thursday 22 June 2017

GASP @ Quay Coop

For the last two weeks of June, GASP artists are using the 2nd floor of the Quay Coop Restaurant as their studio space. It's the start of a project 'On Quay Coop' and at the end of the year you can see the exhibition of work inspired by the building, staff, guests and food .
David Connolly working in the 2nd floor of the Quay Coop restaurant.  
Tom O'Sullivan enjoying the beautiful interior and exterior while working on  paintings for an exhibition  in the Quay Coop at the end of the year.
Íde Ní Shúilleabháin using pen and coffee to create artwork inspired by the objects in the Quay Coop Restaurant.
Tom O'Sullivan has something different on his plate today.
Katie Whelan, Marie Sexton, Mary Rose Marshall, John Keating (behind the door) Rosaleen Moore and Tom O'Sullivan in the pop up art studio in the Quay Coop. 
Hazel from the Quay Coop with her portrait painted by Yvonne Condon on the spot.
John Keating working on an etching - portraits of the Quay Coop staff.
Rosaleen Moore working on a painting of the Quay Coop building.

Tuesday 20 June 2017

Yvonne Condon in the Everyman Theater

Yvonne Condon filled all the 650 seats in the Everyman Theater with 650 of her portraits of people, animals and other creatures.
Linda Curtin filming the event as part of an ongoing film project
Yvonne, among a colourful crowd

Thursday 15 June 2017

RHA Annual Exhibition 2017 in Dublin

Artist Yvonne Condon in the RHA with her untitled painting of a red goat. Our other artist  featured in the exhibition is Eoin O'Broin.

John Whelan in the RHA.

David Connolly visiting the RHA.

Tom O'Sullivan observing the art in the RHA Annual Exhibition.

Katie Whelan visiting the Annual show in the RHA
John Whelan and Paddy O'Sullivan - looking at almost 300 art pieces is  hard work.

Art work shop with Griffith Language College

Gasp artist John Keating, Íde Ní Shúilleabháin and Rosaleen Moore delivering an art work shop in Griffith Language College in Cork.
Daniel from Brazil with some of his drypoint etchings
Daniel projecting his etching with an overhead projector
Jade, a student of the Griffith College with one of her etchings, projected to trace  on paper
Jade's still wet prints, created during the workshop 
John Keating with the projection of on of his etchings

Thursday 8 June 2017


Impressions of our last days in the FÁS building at Sullivans Quay. Thanks for the good times and we are looking forward to new adventures.  

John Whelan having a coffee on a left behind magic carpet at the abandoned 3 floor in the FÁS building , leaving a drawing  behind.
Marie Sexton puts her hands on the wall at the 3 floor.

Katie Whelan in her short term studio at the 3 floor.

Yvonne Condon's paintings for the film project with Linda Curtin.

Íde Ní Shúilleabháin and filmmaker Linda Curtain. 

John Keating's chalk coal drawing left behind on a wall in the old FÁS building.

David Connolly paints, while watching a Charlie Chaplin movie at the 3 floor. 

John Joe Sheehan, Eoin O'Broin, Rosaleen Moore and Katie Whelan (from left to right) at work at the 3 floor.

John Keating with Chalk coal drawing based on one of his etchings.
Part of Cork according to Rosaleen Moore - one of her last work,  finished in the FÁS Building. 

John Joe Sheehans unmistakable style.

Yvonne Condon creating art work during the film project with film maker Linda Curtin.
John Whelan finishing a painting on his last day in the FÁS building.
John, Nicholas (what would we have done without him!!!), Katie, Mary Rose, Rosaleen,  John, Tom, Íde, Hermann and Marie just minutes before leaving the building. Goodby and thanks for everything.