Tuesday 31 May 2016


From June 1st until July 4th Kathleen Mullane's art will be showing at Blackpool Library.

Kathleen's paintings are full of mysterious characters  and scenes – just what is the story?!
Write a short story in response to the artworks – the  best 3 win a prize.

U (n)titled – If you don't have time to write a story come up with a title!

Thursday 12 May 2016


Children from The Educate Together primary school work with the GASP artists in the studio in CIT Crawford College of Art & Design on Thursday mornings. 

A beautiful painting by John Keating.
John Keating's work.
Rosaleen Moore working on a drawing of Montenotte House

John Whelan Painting

Wednesday 11 May 2016

In the studio

Yvonne Condon Painting.

John Keating at work in the studio at CIT Crawford College of Art & Design on Sullivan's Quay.

Marie Sexton at work in the studio.

Katie Whelan at CIT Crawford College of Art and Design

Katie showing off her matching painting, outfit and accessories!

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Union Grind Espresso Bar

Rosaleen Moore studying the building where the Union Espresso Bar is located. Rosaleen is inspired by architecture.

Rosaleen works in the cafe on Tuesday afternoon, the work she makes will be exhibited in the cafe.

Thursday 5 May 2016

UNION GRIND ESPRESSO BAR - upcoming exhibition

Rosaleen Moore, sketching at The Union Espresso Bar on Union Quay for paintings, showing the exterior and interior of the Espresso Bar. 
Roseleen Painting