Thursday 28 April 2016

GASP and Educate Together

On Thursday morning children from the Educate Together National School came to visit the GASP artists at work in CIT Crawford College of Art & Design, Sullivan's Quay.
Jackson Pollock inspired painting!

Splash! Child at work.

John Keating at work

John Keating's fashion inspired drawings

John Keatings's beautiful fashion inspired drawings.
Child at work!

Happy hands!

Action Painting.


Wednesday 27 April 2016

Íde Ní Shúilleabháin Closing event Quay Coop April 26th 2016

The closing Event for Íde Ní Shúilleabháin's exhibition at the Quay Coop on Tuesday evening the 26th of April 2016.
Inspiration and drawing

Íde working on a drawing.

Íde working on a drawing surrounded by postcards of her work.

Íde at work on a portrait.

Tasty snacks enjoyed by visitors to the exhibition in the Quay Coop.

Monday 25 April 2016

Closing Event for Ide Ni Shuilleabhain at the Quay Coop on Tuesday the 26th of April from 4 to 6pm. Your last chance to see an exhibition of great work in beautiful surroundings. Join us for coffee, tea and art.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Opening in Alchemy

Photographs taken at the opening-

Ken Daly's drawings from the opening of the Infusion show at Alchemy

Ken Daly works on a portrait outside of Alchemy Cafe at the Infusion Opening.

A lot of coffee was drunk!

Yvonne Condon works on a portrait outside Alchemy Cafe at the opening of Infusion.

Hands up! 

Ken Daly at work.

Ken works on portraits.

Yvonne Condon works on a portrait outside Alchemy at the Infusion Opening.

Yvonne works on double portrait,

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Impressions from Infusion's Creative Exchange

Infusion's Creative Exchange event kicks off in the Crawford Art Gallery, Cork.

Artists, community and arts workers gather at the Crawford with GASP and Aim artists to explore, create and discuss the possibilities of creativity in public spaces.

Thursday 7 April 2016

Start of new art project in collaboration with Educate Together National School Cork, St Lukes Nursing Home and GASP

The studio in Sullivans Quay is ready for the artists from Educate Together National School, St Lukes Nursing Home and GASP

Over the next months the artists will work, explore and create art on the themes of home, space, belonging, static / traveling, transport, short under the work title: home and away.

Every artist will work on there own pieces, sharing the studio space and material. The outcome will be exhibited coming September/October.

Tuesday 5 April 2016

INFUSION ART CAFÉS Creative Exchange event

EXPLORE, CREATE & DISCUSS with Infusion Art Cafés

Creative Exchange event
Crawford Art Gallery
12th of April 2016

A day of creative exchange around using cafes and public spaces to connect people with their creativity and with each other.
Artists, community and arts organisations and anybody interested in the connective power of creativity are invited to join GASP (Cork) AIM (Bristol) and CIT Crawford
College of Art and Design to explore, create and discuss.

Limited free tickets available
from following this link